Here is where you can find a list of widespread issues currently being investigated by our developers. Please note that there may be other issues not listed that we are working on as well.
This list will be updated regularly, and issues will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved.
To report an issue or bug that you do not see listed here, please see our FAQ on How To Submit A New Bug Report
UGC Levels Failing to Download in Custom Party
When selecting 2 or 3 rounds in a Custom Party, UGC levels may fail to download in the first round, making them unplayable. However, the issue does not occur if the UGC level is chosen for the second round or if the Custom Party is configured for only one round with the UGC level selected.
Status: Known Issue / To be fixed.
Stumble Pass Token Update Issue
After completing a game, the additional 50% Pass Tokens may fail to update in the HUD/Inventory.
Status: Known Issue / To be fixed / Potential Patch Incoming
Visual Issues:
Please note that your reward is safely located in the Customize Menu.
• Rewards Screen White Patch: Despite the visual error, your reward has already been claimed.
• Hug Ability Icon: Similarly, if you encountered a display error with this icon, rest assured that the reward was granted.
Fixes and Updates:
• We have replaced the incorrect art assets with the correct ones.
• Please note that this update will reset your progress. To compensate and thank you for your patience all players will receive a free gift in the shop! Claim 250 Sunglasses currency and the Epic Black Magic footsteps. The team will continue to work on a solution for players who progressed further than one statue.
Ongoing Investigation:
• We are actively investigating issues with opening, closing and interacting with the Party Bonanza event. We expect a fix to be available early next week.
If you encounter any other issues not listed here, please submit a #bug-report with as much detail as possible.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Press the "Play Again" button or rejoin your desired game mode to try finding a new match.
- If the issue persists, reboot your game.
- Repeat step 1.
Status: This behavior is expected when the matchmaking system prioritizes balanced gameplay.
Time Trial Feature Is Not Working/Showing
Status: Lucky Wheel is now LIVE for all users in console platforms.
Status: The issue was fixed by adjusting the device clock to the current date.
Description: When a player tries to play ranked game mode using the solo button, then the game gets stuck on the matchmaking screen.
Troubleshooting steps: Close and relaunch the game
Status: Known Issue/To be fixed
Description: Stuck in never-ending map selection.
Status: Known Issue/To be fixed
Description: When the game is about to start and one or more players don't connect, the remaining players are kicked back to the lobby with an error pop-up (matchmaking error / server error / please try again). This issue is less frequent in lower-difficulty leagues due to higher traffic but occurs more often in advanced leagues with fewer players.
Status: Known Issues/ To Be fixed
Limited Button mapping issue in ''Settings''
Description: We are aware that the update will alter the button mapping options. Remapping is limited to the jump and action buttons in this new version. Don't worry, we are actively working on a solution to bring back full customization of button mapping
Status: Known Issue/To be fixed
[Speed Run]"Best Time" save is lost after relaunching the game.
Description: In version 0.74.1, when attempting a speed run, the "Best Time" save is not retained after closing and relaunching the game. This results in players losing their recorded best times and having to start over.
Status: Known Issue/To be fixed
Map Loading Issue: Spectator Mode Spawn and Controller Lock
Description: Players are encountering a game loading issue where they spawn in a state resembling spectator mode or floating in the air. This prevents them from controlling their character with the controller, rendering the game unplayable.
Status: Known Issue/To be fixed
I'm seeing a timer instead of wave numbers in the "Block Dash Endless" map.
Description: This change was made in version 0.73 of Stumble Guys. We are taking players' feedback into consideration.
Status: Not a Bug/ Working on improving the experience
UI icons fail to appear and user gets stuck/cannot move during gameplay
Description: Whilst joining a game on steam, as you enter the match you may not be able to move or use emotes, follow the following steps to resolve this issue.
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Open Settings.
2. Inside the settings menu, locate and open "Controls Customize."
3. Tap on "Reset" to restore default control settings.
4. If playing on Steam or Web, please turn on ''Player Emotes'' option
5. After completing the above steps, restart the app.
Status: Not always an issue / Workaround available / Improvements to be made on later version
Leaderboard Rewards % Tier from Event(s) after claimed are not showing on the profile/account
Description: At the end of the event if eligible, when you claim your rewards there is no pop up to show you your rewards, if you don't see them credited follow this troubleshooting steps
Troubleshooting steps:
1. In order to see the reward(s) on your profile, it will require you to restart the game app
2. Play a few matches
3. Restart your game app again
4. Open the game app and your claimed reward(s) will now be made available
As an extra step:
5. If you still do not see the reward(s), restart your device & repeat all previous steps one more time
Status: Not always an issue / Workaround available
Status: Not a bug / Won't fix
Description: As mentioned above, ads might be limited for accounts owned by "minors", and that can make it difficult to collect the daily rewards. We're always working on improving this experience, but due to laws & regulations the improvements need to be very controlled & gradual.
Description: There a very small chance a player passes through an object when the avatar is hit with strong enough force.
Status: Known issue / To be fixed
Status: Known issue / To be fixed
Status: Known issue / To be fixed
Status: Known issue / Fix to be applied per case
Status: Not an issue / Won't fix
Status: Not always an issue / Workaround available
Troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you are using the correct party code and have the same game version installed.
- Ensure you are all playing in the same region. You can check and change this in the "Settings" option inside the game.
Status: Not an Issue
Unable to change the username to the colored username
Description: There is currently no function available to change your character's name color. This functionality is only available to our content creators.
Status: Not an Issue
I want to unlink my PS account
Description: There have been cases where players accidentally connect their account on PlayStation to a Scopely ID which prevents them from connecting their original account from Mobile/Steam/Web to the Playstation. Due to Sony Restriction, once you link a Stumble Account to your PlayStation profile with a Scopely ID, we can't unlink it.
Status: Working as intended
No longer able to spend gems to purchase Premium Pass
Description: The player no longer has the option to buy the Premium Pass using gems. The reason for this is that you are part of a testing group inside the game, and the only option for the Stumble Pass activation (both Regular and Deluxe) is via in-app purchase.
Status: Not a Bug/ Working on improving the experience
Battle Pass disappeared (if player purchases battle pass right before the new season starts)
Description: If you recently enabled/purchased the Premium Stumble Pass on your account and noticed that it went missing, it's possible that you have purchased the Stumble Pass right before the season ended. Please be informed that the Stumble Pass has a countdown timer for your remaining time to claim your rewards. To check this time you have left, tap the Stumble Pass icon button on the main screen and you'll find it on the top left part of the screen.
Status: Working as intended.
Consoles being on different app version than other platforms
Description: Cross-play is currently unavailable on console platforms (PlayStation and Xbox) as the versions running on these platforms are older in comparison to the live version of the game. Stay tuned as we work on having this feature available in the future version of the game.
Status: Work in progress
Players asking to become content creators (streamers)
Description: To explore professional or partnership-related opportunities, you can look for our official Discord: "/stumbleguys" and check for any openings for our creator program.
From the discord channel, you can get more information on how to join our Creator Program (Content Creator, Moderator, etc.). Follow the steps shared from the channel to file your application to be a Content Creator.
Please stay tuned to our social media for frequent openings and updates on the game!!
Status: Working as Intended
Game Mechanic Change
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the game and enhance its mechanics, we want to inform you of an upcoming change: starting this week, tokens will no longer be distributed, except through duplicate cosmetics.
Looking ahead, we're working on gradually introducing a new system, scheduled to roll out gradually in Q1 2025 (more info to come by then). In the meantime, we encourage you to use your remaining tokens before the transition takes place.