Hi Stumbler! Inferno Dragon here to assist you with any gameplay & feature related FAQ. 🐲
In this update we are introducing an exciting overhaul to Special Emotes, bringing a new level of strategy and progression to Stumble Guys.
Please note that the availability of this feature may vary depending on your region. Some players might not see it immediately as we gradually enable it across different areas.
Introducing Abilities
Traditional Special Emotes have been transformed into Abilities! Just like Special Emotes, players can equip Abilities and use them during matches.
Normal Emotes and Taunts can now be equipped separately, so you can have four Emotes/Taunts and four abilities equipped at any given time.
As before, Abilities add a strategic layer to the gameplay, allowing players to choose skills that complement their playstyle in a specific map or experience and give them an edge in the competition.
Unlocking and Progression
Abilities are now unlocked with a dedicated currency called Ability Keys, which you can find in Stumble Journey, as well as Stumble Pass.
This means players will now have the freedom to collect Ability Keys with the goal of unlocking their preferred Ability.
Additionally, we have introduced a new progression that allows players to enhance their favorite Abilities. This progression enables you to reduce cooldown time, increase the area of effect, boost impact force, and improve various other stats and characteristics associated with each Ability.
In order to upgrade your Abilities, you will need to collect the other new currency, Ability Tokens.
This currency can be found throughout the game in Stumble Missions, Lucky Wheels, Stumble Pass, Stumble Journey, the Shop, and from Ranked progression rewards.
Each Ability can be upgraded through 15 levels of enhancement. As you progress through these levels, your Abilities become more powerful and effective. This will give you a greater edge in matches!
Each time you level up one of your Abilities, you have the opportunity to improve one of its characteristics. You have full control over how you want your game to evolve!
Ability Styles & Visual Variants
When upgrading your Abilities to levels 5, 10, and 15, the upgrade grants you an extra visual style. Once unlocked, you are free to choose and equip the one you want to display. You have full customization!
Ability Gameplay
Abilities now have their own dedicated buttons–separate from emotes–which also have four customizable buttons. This allows you to carry four Abilities and four Emotes simultaneously, giving you more power and versatility in matches. You can now enhance your gameplay with powerful Abilities, while still expressing yourself with Emotes.
Special Emote Compatibility
Wondering what will happen to your Special Emotes? Don’t worry, you won't lose them! Your Special Emotes will automatically convert to their corresponding Abilities, pre-upgraded to match the power level of the original Special Emote. From there, you can continue upgrading these Abilities at your own pace.
We have also combined several Special Emotes–which previously were just visual variations (like Fire Punch, Wet Kick, Golden Banana, etc.)-into a single Ability. If you already own any of these, you'll unlock the Ability with its progress maintained and gain access to the updated style variations without needing to unlock them again.
Changes to Taunts and Abilities
We have disabled the use of Taunts to cancel movement. This exploit allowed players to bypass level mechanics, creating an unfair advantage in some levels.
Instead, we have integrated this behavior into specific new Abilities, such as the “Shield”, which players can unlock and use in a more controlled manner, This, and other mechanics, are now a part of the putting this mechanic, like the other mechanics, into the Abilities system.
Some Abilities have an additional Bonus Effect when upgraded to the maximum level. Check out the following table for more details:

How do I earn more Ability Keys & Tokens?
Ability keys can be earned by completing the Battle Pass. If you complete the Battle Pass each season you will get ability keys and can either spend them immediately or save up for a higher rarity Ability.
Ability tokens come from the Battle Pass but also will appear as rewards in Ranked, Daily wheel and other sources. By returning regularly and playing all areas of the game you can maximize your ability to get more Ability Tokens
Are abilities here to stay? How long will the ability update last?
Yes, abilities are here to stay. We are closely monitoring the performance of abilities, how they are used, and how they interact in the game at different progression stages and will be doing regular balance updates for both specific abilities behaviours as well as globally in their use.
Will you balance / nerf the abilities? Will you do this before adding new abilities?
Right now we are monitoring the initial launch and we are focused on updating the balance of abilities. We will continue to do this in all future seasons. We are also looking at adding new abilities to introduce new play opportunities and will be launching them when they are ready.
How are you approaching the balance of new abilities? Is it data driven only or will community feedback be considered?
We take a multi-source approach to balancing of abilities. We look at the data from the game as to which abilities people use and upgrade, also we run various simulations in our internal tool to help balance an ability. Additionally we are always looking at the community feedback and factoring that in as part of our overall balance approach.
What will you do to keep the Abilities and Ranked Meta fresh & fun?
This is a twofold answer. First, for ranked, we will be looking at updating map pools and changing up rewards each season to keep the experience fresh. Second, we are looking at additional changes, such as format structures.
Why are specific abilities only available in the Shop for purchase?
Some abilities will be initially only launched in the shop, these abilities are available for those who want to get them as an early access. Over time shop abilities will be rotated into the main pool and become available to unlock with Ability Keys.
Will all new stumble passes no longer have a "Special Emote" as before?
The current plan is to not add any abilities directly into the stumble pass instead we have replaced this with Ability keys as this acts as a primary source for the keys for everyone allowing them to unlock the ability they want (and save up)
Will console get abilities?
Consoles are currently several versions behind mobile, they will get abilities at some point.
Will there ever be a Ranked mode that has abilities disabled?
This is something that is under discussion, for now we want to see how things play out as the new system has just launched and many players are still getting and upgrading their Abilities. We will be monitoring the use and behavior in ranked and this will factor into both our balance and long term decisions.
Can you add the option to hide the Emote/Taunts UI button completely?
If you mean can we hide the Icon on the side of the screen this is something we can look at adding to settings.
Will there be a way to reset abilities and receive some Keys / Tokens back?
This is not something we are planning right now but is something we are open to looking into in the future once we have more data and have seen the feature evolve. Most likely it will just be a progression reset and not an unlock reset as we do want to make sure unlocking an ability is something people do tactically
Will there be any more updates regarding abilities?
Yes we will be continually updating abilities both the balance of existing and adding new ones.
Have a scorching day!